Landscapes we savor

A livestock experience that connects with producers in a responsible and supportive way, unites us to nature, the culture of this region, always in direct contact and respecting the local population.
In this livestock experience we shared a day with our livestock owner Ana, and we combined the knowledge of her trade with a guided visit to her farm in the surroundings of the Peña Cabarga Natural Park. On our tour we will see how their animals are raised in freedom, fed with mother's milk and fresh pastures, taking advantage of the fruits of the oaks, holm oaks and chestnut trees that grow on their farm.
It will not explain the story behind the meat we eat, which will allow us to eat consciously, being attentive to the balance that must exist in nature and livestock to be sustainable and fair.
With this experience, we also give visibility to women cattle ranchers and we are committed to sustainable rural development.
Start time: 11:00 am
Duration: 3 hours approx.
Group minimum 20 - maximum 31
Place: Peñacabarga

Ana belongs to a family with a great cattle tradition, rooted in the land and committed to the conservation of nature.

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